राग causes औत्सुक्य, मोह and अरति. It is not only राग that affects the mind, लोभ (Greed), ईर्षा (Intolerance), द्वेष (Hate), मात्सर्य (Jealousy), शोक (Depression) are the other five. All...
SOCIAL, ETHICAL & MORAL PRACTICES सुखार्थाः सर्वभूतानां मताः सर्वाः प्रवृत्तयः ।सुखं च न विना धर्मात्तस्मात् धर्मपरो भवेत् । ।अ•हृ•सू-२/२० The copyright to this article belongs to the author and cannot...
Resolutions are compact statements that define what to achieve. These lead us from darkness to light, from distress to prosperity. The key to being successful at any resolve lies at...
The success of medical science depends on four factors - Doctors(भिषक्), Drugs(द्रव्य), Nurse(उपस्थातृ), Patient(रोगी). These four are described in the Ayurvedic Texts as पादचतुष्टय of चिकित्सित (Paada Chatushtaya of chikitsita)....
As we look forward to the end of COVID19 pandemic and gear up for a fresh start here is bringing an article based on the principles of Ayurveda that promote...
Today taking risk is essential in life. but mind it/ be very clear …. the mantra is not “Take Risk” but instead it is ” Take CALCULATED risk”. Extensive Planning...